Color Associations to Help Optimize Full Color Prints

Each element in the color wheel can provoke different emotions and memories, even without the use of words. Full color prints for marketing solutions automatically get a lift with the help of these colors. Here are the basic hues used and what each of them convey.

• Black
Black is the absence of all colors, hence it is not really classified as a color. It is closely associated to concepts of elegance, classics and night, as well as death. This color is particularly useful when you want to set a formal mood.
It also provides a good background to other colors. Setting a hue against it easily makes a good contrast and allows the color or colors to be more prominent.

• White
White, as opposed to black, is the presence of all colors. It symbolizes purity, cleanliness, simplicity, goodness and peace. It can also set the tone for something formal, especially when placed side-by-side black. Together, they make an unsurpassable sense of classic style that does not appear boring or dull. By itself, it is a good color for products pertaining to cleanliness and clarity.
It is also not considered as a color, as in the case of black.

• Red
Red is a good color for messages concerning love, sensuality, passion, power and danger, quite broad compared other colors.
Red is said to stimulate the heart, making it beat and pump blood faster. This is why some people advertise using the color red. This is said to excite people and result to more favorable responses like impulsive buying. For example, sales are written in red, in the hope that more would be compelled to check it out and make a purchase. This color also makes signs more striking.
In addition, red is associated with femininity. This color makes a good connection with women and a good enticer for men.

• Blue
Blue depicts serenity, loyalty, skies and water. This is especially complements products and services that are part of the wellness industry as it triggers the memory to think about peace and calmness. This goes very well with other cool colors to provide a soothing relief to the eyes against stressful visuals.
Blue is seen as a male color, particularly those of darker shades. It is a good color to establish masculinity.

• Yellow
This color represents vibrancy, enthusiasm, youth and sunshine. It is a surefire force of attraction that provokes happiness and a good mood. It easily captures attention because of its intense effect on the eyes. This warm color can highlight any detail on full color prints.
Since it symbolizes energy, this is more appropriate for a younger generation of consumers. It sets an opposite tone to exquisite black.

• Green
Green is synonymous to nature. It is the color that is used for eco movements and other environmental concerns. It can also represent freshness.
Green is also the color of cash. It can set the tone for businesses concerning money transactions, and financial industries.
However, green has a negative connotation since jealousy, envy, greed and slime are also associated to it so be careful with the shade of green that you use.

• Purple
Purple is reminiscent of royalty, as well as certain things that go with it such as nobility, ambition and affluence. Recently, it has also become appealing to children, especially to little girls.

• Orange
Orange is a warm color much like red but it is 'less serious' than the latter since orange is a reminder of bliss, happiness and youth. It also is reminiscent of certain foods especially citrus fruits.

You can use these common color associations to evoke deeper and more memorable messages in full color prints. Clearly, colors are a close ally in effective visual advertising.

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