How to Draw Cars

I don't think there is one person out there that with a car interest who hasn't had great ideas for a car design. It's like we have it in our head and we can almost see the whole designed car in front of us, yet once we try to apply this car to a sheet of paper, it more often than not ends up in the trash.

With this article, I want to try to help you on how to draw cars the right way. First let's start with what you need: one pencil, one eraser, a sheet of paper, some kind of picture or real car to use as reference and one ice cold beer, or ok let's skip the beer!

Once you got all the above mentioned things, it's time to's time to once for all get that great design of yours into that paper!

Take a good look on that reference picture you got...try to just focus on the car itself (although that can be very hard if there is a babe in there, if there is, get another reference picture). Once you have stared at the car long enough, try to put some easy touch pencil lines on your paper, make these lines represent the general shape of the car. Lots of people think that the best way to draw a car is to simply start at the corner and work your way through, this is wrong! It's like building a house from one corner and just work from you need a good foundation for the whole house and then you apply step by step. The same goes for how to draw a car. These are the steps I usually take and would advise you to do as well:

1. General shape of the car, just a few lines that covers the whole body. Don't try to add fancy mirrors and wheels etc...this you do later!

2. Add shapes that will represent the wheels. This is where you separate the pros with the babies, pros don't give up on their shapes until they are perfect. Babies draw the wheels and after one or two tries, they will move on the next step (thinking that the wheels will somehow magically get better by themselves). I will tell you that the wheels are the hardest part of the whole car drawing and if you don't get them right, it will not matter if the rest of the car looks good.

3. Get more details like the windows, doors, headlights etc.

4. Now add more details, starting adding the small stuff like air-intake, mirrors, door-handles etc.

5. If it all looks good, then go back to those wheels of yours again and look at them and spend some more time on perfecting them.

6. Now you should have a car on that sheet of paper. If you don't you probably took that ice cold beer that I told you not to take. If you can see a car and it looks good...then start adding shadows. The best way to add correct shadows when you draw a car is to imagine that the light is coming from somewhere on your paper and then make a little mark there...then start adding darker shadows from wherever that mark cannot "reach".

7. Now you're pretty much done huh...well not really, go back to those wheels, ask someone for their honest opinion, what they think of the wheels. If it's all good then you can be very proud of your new fantastic car drawing.

If you are still reading, you have either mastered the skill "How to draw a car", or you have to much time on your hands and if you do, chances are you will become a great artist if you just use that time wisely, it's not about talent, it's about patience and hard work!

Author Info:

Lukas Niklasson is the associated editor to the website How to draw cars, a website dedicated to car drawings. Lukas himself submit new drawings very often, and since year 2008, hundreds of visitors has submitted theirs. Check it out!

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