Creating Wooden Arts, Find Your Creative Niche

Using wood as an art medium is nothing new. The availability, variety, and beauty have always attracted many woodworking artists and craftsmen of every kind. The ability to cut, shape and manipulate it in various ways, revealing its awesome color and grain patterns is very appealing to wood artists, designers, art collectors and home owners alike.

The wide appeal and variety of wooden arts are evident everywhere. You see wood incorporated in design and decoration applied in various ways (making bold statements not only in structural design and interior design, but also used as an accompanying complementary function in décor). There is always a place for the beauty of wood and its warm soothing effect on our everyday lives.

For the Designer, Craftsmen or Artist incorporating and creating wooden art is a matter of taste and skill. Creating wooden arts have limitless possibilities. The types of tools available today are unmatched in availability, quality and specific purpose. With so many tools and information available, shaping and creating unique works of wood art has never been so popular. Along with that, there has been a tremendous increase in the variety of wood that is available to the serious craftsmen and hobbyist alike.

Finding your niche in this popular medium will take some analysis and development of skills in your desired direction. Determining tools and supplies needed, experimentation in design and technique, testing the marketplace and pricing will all come in to play. Last, but not least, is persistence and determination. This will be needed to hone and develop your skills. With that you will certainly develop your unique style and impact this growing art form.

Tips To Get Started

1. Build on the skills you already have (if you paint use paint in some way in your design)
2. Find ideas in books, magazines and the internet (find other art done in another material and recreate it, incorporating wood)
3. Use found material and develop ideas with them.
4. Start small and go from there (Ex: bookmarks, to wall art)

There are many resources available for the Wooden Arts Craftsman. Flood your mind with creativity, use books, the library, magazines and the internet for fuel. Carry a small notebook and record ideas and information as it hits you.

Author Info:

There has never been a better time to expand and develop your creative and artistic skills to include the beauty and flexibility of wood. Visit now and get the techniques, resources and new ideas to make Wooden Arts your passion.

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