The Cycle of Influence on Post-Modern Art

Art always changes with the movement of the wheel, with the different ages the stroke of the artist on the paper also changes. Since the romantic period we observe a kind of modern expression in the artist painting which even challenge the classical beauty of the universe. An explosion occurs in this type of art, the symbolist, expressionist, primitivist, realist, cubism and certain kinds of abstractions are noticed in modern paintings. New kind of expressive modes was invented in this modern art. The neoclassical foundations of the history of art and aesthetics found that this modern artist in their painting emphasized on ideal beauty and intrinsic hostility. This continue with the portrayal of aberrations, accidents, failures of the everyday world, hurdles and struggle for existence in this world etc which are beautifully displayed in realist imagery of this artists. Mannerism's has a great impact on modern paintings.

Do you remember the images of Horace; they are totally ornamental in their look. The relationship of the comic with the ugly and the horror is portrayed brilliantly in the work of the eighteenth century artists. The new appellation "post modern" was finally adopted by Jenecks in 1976 to describe a new style of art whose main characteristic is heterogeneity. The changes that are associated with the post modern art are actually the result of the semiotization. In the post modern art, the narrative mode was abolished and a certain ritualistic quality is adopted by the artists. The goal of the artists in the post modern paradigm is no longer behavioral but it becomes cognitive in their approach. The post-modern is the art of the artificial environment.

In the post modern era, aesthetic expression is conveyed more successfully by systematic destruction of traditional aesthetic practice. The conventional rules of paintings are broken and heterogeneity, faking especially aesthetic cheating becomes the desire of every artist which are committed in paintings intentionally. Post modern art is nothing else but a critical display of broken conventions and rules. However it is not known properly to what degree the sex images play the importance in modern paintings. Nowadays all type of art is available and you will be stunned to know that you can buy art online even.

Author Info:

Jennifer Salerno is a veteran in Internet marketing and a wordsmith par excellence with countless articles on a wide range of subjects to his credit. Online Art Gallery

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