Metal Clays Work Like Clay, But With a Whole Different Result

If you have never worked with metal clays, also commonly referred to as silver clay, you are missing out on an exciting media. Similar to what you can do when you make clay art with ceramic clays, metal or silver clays can be rolled, sculpted, stamped, sanded, filed, engraved, drilled and pre-polished, all prior to firing. This gives you limitless possibilities for your art. The difference between these two mediums really shows when you pull your fired project out of the kiln. The results will amaze you and the doors will be open to significantly broaden your artistic talents. Don't be afraid to explore metal clays.

The most common metals used in metal clays are silver and gold with silver being used by the vast majority of artists. Metal clay is a combination of water, binders, and small particles of either silver or gold. It works just as your traditional clays do. This resemblance to conventional clays allows you to form pieces of almost any size from jewelry to larger sculptures. You can use the same tools you are using on your ceramic clays or shape your project by hand. When designing your work, keep in mind your shrinkage will be about 8 - 12 percent. Up to the point that you kiln silver clay there is not much difference from the clays you have in your studio today.

So what happens inside your kiln that is different from ceramic clays? With mineral clays the firing process bakes the clay into a solid finished form. The difference with metal clays is that inside the kiln the binders burn away and the metal powders fuse together. This leaves behind a solid and durable object. Essentially you are sculpting metal which makes it great for jewelry making. Form beads or pendants with silver clay and add small gold clay accents to make a stunning one of a kind piece.

Need more motivation to try metal clays? How about no need to invest in special equipment to try it out? Metal clays fire at lower temperatures in a short period of time. So if your kiln controllers don't have low enough settings you can fire these clays with a propane torch or even a gas stove top. Should you fall in love with metal clays as I'm sure you will, there are some great kilns available exclusively for metal clays. But to experiment and try your hand at this incredible media you can just pick up some clay and see what you create.

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Works just like traditional clays yet can be fired on your gas stove top if necessary. These are just some of the benefits of metal or silver clays. If they don't sell you on it, the beautiful finished pieces you will create are sure to do the trick. So why not order some silver clay next time your are in the mood to make clay art from The American Art Clay Company? As you probably know their website has everything from molds to kiln controllers at prices that allow you to try out new things with ease. Once you sculpt and kiln silver clay you will be hooked.

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